Welcome, and thanks for visiting my website!
My name is Cyd Notter, and one of my greatest passions is to educate people on the benefits and how-to's of adopting a whole food, plant-based, no-added-oil diet. I use the word 'diet' loosely because this is not a temporary short-term diet of restriction - but rather a new lifestyle pattern of eating to be enjoyed for years to come.
There is so much conflicting information out there!
Websites, magazines, fad books, social media outlets and other sources - it's no wonder people are confused about food. One day saturated fat is evil, and the next day it's being promoted as inconsequential. Coffee is bad one day, and good the next. Protein intake should be high vs. protein intake should be kept low. Grains are responsible for every health ailment, vs. grains are good for us.
What's a person to believe?
Find out how to evaluate what you hear and read in this article. It's important to base your health decisions on long-term, credible research that is not funded by a company, food manufacturer, or government-sponsored industry that stands to profit from the results (such as the beef, egg, or dairy councils!) Even major health organizations have sponsors such as Kraft Foods, Coca-Cola and the like.
Also beware of the "studies" with sensationalized headlines. The media loves to report this type of click bait, but once we look at the details of the study, we find they're often nothing more than nonsense, sometimes purposely skewed! Get your information from INDEPENDENT, credible studies. I can show you where to look.
Let me help
If you are ready, willing and able to explore the benefits of a whole food, plant-based diet, or even if you're just curious about it for now, I'm at your service!
Watch this free webinar to get a better idea of how to lose the weight for good, while improving your precious health.
Note: Information provided on this website is for general dietary purposes only and is not intended to be construed as personal medical advice. Please consult your physician for medical advice pertaining specifically to you.