We've tried two new recipes lately that were delicious. Fat-free Baked Mexican Black Bean Burgers are flavorful, moist, and hearty. This recipe by www.thevegan8.com is great when you have extra cooked potatoes in the fridge and need to use them up! The recipe specifies 6 burgers, but I prefer to make smaller, flatter burgers....it's your choice. My photo does not do it justice. Here's the link for recipe/photos: Fat-Free Baked Mexican Black Bean Burgers
The other recipe we tried and enjoyed, Low-Fat Guacamole, uses peas to replace one of the avocados in order to reduce the fat content that would be had by using avocados only. By adding salsa, lemon juice, and spices, a tasty dip is created that is still quite "guacamole-a-ee" (guacamole-ish?) Optional add-ins include green onion, cilantro, or even jalapeno if you like the heat (which I didn't use, but I'm sure would be delicious). Again, my photo does not do this justice. This recipe dates back to 2010, but hey, better late than never, right? Here's the link as posted on www.delectableplanet.com. Ole! Low-Fat Guacamole
(PS: We have a GREAT class on bone health coming up on Saturday November 7th. Every woman (and men too) should hear this information! Many are consuming foods they believe will promote bone health, when in fact the opposite is true. Please mark your calendars and RSVP for this crucial class).