"People love to hear good news about their bad habits" - is a quote I first heard cited by Dr. John McDougall. It's so very true. Other popular dietary claims include: "Eat all you want of your favorite foods and still get healthy"; "Fat is good for your brain"; "Low Carb Diets are Dangerous". And more. You may recall the recent Time Magazine cover which exclaimed "Eat Butter".
This certainly goes against what we in the low-fat, whole food, plant based diet camp believe. On what research are the "high fat" gurus basing their claims? Dr. Thomas Campbell, son of Dr. T. Colin Campbell, has written a great article on this topic, in which he explains the cherry-picking of research, character assassinations of the low-fat pioneers, and other ridiculous claims being made by the high-fat, low carb, supplement promoters. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did.