If you (or someone you know) are having tummy issues, perhaps you've heard of a condition called SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth), which is often diagnosed in people experiencing abdominal distress. I hadn't heard of this condition until recently, although Dr. John McDougall has been writing about it for a while. The prescribed diet for this condition is a low-carb diet which focuses on meat, poultry, chicken, cheese, fish and eggs.
In this article, Dr. McDougall explains:
- Why REAL cases of SIBO are rare. Very few people actually have it.
- The breath test used to make the diagnosis is highly unreliable.
- The prescribed diet makes people feel worse (and constipated), while increasing the risk for other serious conditions (cancer, Ulcerative Colitis, diabetes, heart disease, obesity).
- GOOD bacteria love to much on plant-food remnants, but pathogenic bacteria love meat and junk food. I've written about that same topic here.
- What are the SCD and FODMAP diets, and which diet is best for the bowels?
I'm never ceased to be amazed by the remarkable functions of our bodies! Things go so much smoother when we give it the food we are designed to eat. Gut bacteria love this food pyramid!
God (to humanity): 29 Look! I have given you every seed-bearing plant that grows on the earth and every fruit-bearing tree. They will be your food and nourishment. 30 As for all the wild animals, the birds in the sky, and every small creeping creature—everything that breathes the breath of life—I have given them every green plant for food.
And it happened just as God said. (Gen. 1:29-30, VOICE)