While there is no cure for the flu or common cold, there is a natural product which has proven to not only reduce the symptoms, but drastically shorten the duration of the ailment.
What is it? Black Elderberry syrup (extract).
In this video, Dr. Pam Popper talks about the research proving this treatment to be very effective - and with no side effects! (Fast forward to the 4:18 point to hear her speak on the topic). She mentions a product called Sambucol (black elderberry syrup) which can be purchased online if you can't find a similar product locally.
I'm betting this would be most effective if taken at the onset of an illness, so it might be wise to have black elderberry on hand. I notice it's available in tablet form, as well.
PS: If you're struggling to lose weight or worried about your health, a new online course is releasing on Feb. 19, 2020, which would definitely benefit you. If you're ready to take control of your weight and health, this course has the answers. I would love to guide you on the 6-week journey to a leaner, healthier you. Click here for details. There's a deadline and limited seating. Please contact me with any questions.
Dear friend, I pray that you may prosper in every way and be in good health physically
just as you are spiritually. (3 John 1:2, HCSB)