Answer: When it's disguised as a giant cheeseburger.
I couldn't resist taking a picture when I saw these cakes displayed at the checkout line. They're no different from most other cakes found in a commercial bakery, but the cheeseburger design was the kicker. One health-damaging food made to look like another. As cute and clever and colorful as a cheeseburger cake appears, a quick look at the label shows why bakery cakes should stay on the shelf, and not make their way into your cart:
The first ingredient is sugar. That means the largest amount of any ingredient in this item is sugar (of course!)
Sugar = highly inflammatory, affects brain chemistry/addictive, weight gain, raises triglycerides which thereby affects cholesterol levels
Milk = saturated fat, cholesterol, known carcinogen, estrogen, acids which affect bone health, growth hormones
Eggs = cholesterol bombs, choline = cancer risk
Oils = 100% fat, inflammatory, impairs circulation, clots blood, damages artery lining and paves the way for plaque build up
Aluminum = definite factor in dementia
At least 9 food dyes = chemicals, linked to allergies, ADHD, cancer
Refined flour = spikes blood sugar, impairs insulin function, raises triglycerides
Unfortunately, the above list of side effects is just the tip of the iceberg. Sure, this cake is funny and would be a big hit at the party, but make no mistake, it's a sugar-filled junk food that promotes ill health and disease. Ask yourself if it's really worth it - and especially ask why you'd want to give this to your children.
Instead, how about a birthday cake that promotes the gift of good health? Here are some recipe ideas.
Here and here are a few more. And don't forget the brownie and cupcake recipes that are out there, too!
Whichever recipe you use, be sure to substitute a natural cane sugar (such as 'sucanat') in place of refined sugar when necessary, replace oil with applesauce, and replace eggs with "flax eggs" (1 egg = 1 TBS ground flax whisked or blended with 3 TBS water); swap out refined flours with whole grain flours, and of course, omit all dairy products such as milk, cream, and butter.
It's not smart to stuff yourself with sweets....(Proverbs 25:27a, MSG)