Have you ever heard of Sopa de Fideo (Mexican Noodle Soup)?
I sure hadn't, until a couple of years ago when I stumbled upon two easy recipes by that title and decided to give them a try.
Sopa de Fideo is a flavorful, tomato-based soup which is made with toasted noodles. Toasting the dry spaghetti noodles in a skillet for a few minutes before adding them to the soup browns them up nicely and adds a distinctive flavor.
The two recipes I tried differ slightly, but both call for canned tomatoes, onions, garlic, and vegetable broth as the base.
The recipe from PCRM adds two zucchini, while the recipe from Brand New Vegan calls for Mexican Oregano (which I had to order online). You can make it with regular oregano, though.
I probably add too many noodles. You can see by my photo that it looks more like a spaghetti dish than a soup!
Hubby says something about this recipe reminds him of eating Franco-American canned spaghetti as a child (but in a good way!) Who can forget RavioliOs and Uh-Oh SpaghettiOs? Of course the biggest difference is that these recipes are HEALTHY. Give these soups a try and see if you agree!
By the way, do you know what goes great with tomato-based soups? Vegan grilled cheese sandwiches! Watch my video here for how to make delicious 'Colby Cheeze' sandwiches.
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